JULY 15th - JULY 28th, 2022

Four Eleven Gallery announces Into the Slipstream: New Paintings by Helen Grimm. This body of work is about stepping into the slipstream, where seemingly distinct currents and shifting patterns of our lives are intertwined through and around each other. While grounded in the natural world, familiar terrain leads to unexpected openings and overlapping timelines. Topology of color and form supersedes traditional perspective in a language evolving to reflect the landscape of the artist’s inner soul.
The forms of shells have inspired Grimm’s painting for over twenty years. She’s particularly drawn to their contradictions: the humble yet polished beauty within a rough worm-holed exterior, and bleached starkness against a rich splash of color. These forms afford Grimm an opportunity to explore line and shape, and scale and color. Hewing the line between representation and abstraction, Grimm’s paintings are reminiscent of looking below surfaces. You may be unsure of exactly what you’re seeing, but you feel its essence.