Now in its fourteenth year, Four Eleven Gallery is a true painter’s gallery, representing contemporary artists living and working in Provincetown and on the Outer Cape. It has been said by many locals that the gallery evokes a feeling of old Provincetown. Our works are informed by our love for this place and this community. Our mission is to be an exhibition space for emerging and mid-career artists from Provincetown and beyond, and to provide a new platform for guest curated group shows.
For over 50 years, the rambling White House at 411 Commercial Street has been a studio and home to many artists and writers. Originally built around the turn of the century, 411 was turned into a guest house in the early 60’s by Helen Daphnis-Avlon and her husband, the well known New York School Abstractionist painter Nassos Daphnis. In 1978, the home was purchased by Madelyn Carney for the view of the pier from the dining room table. For thirty years, it provided a home for painters, playwrights, and artists of all stripes. In 2010, Madelyn’s daughter Liz Carney reimagined the front of the house as a studio gallery. Exhibiting works that explore process and visual form, ranging from representational paintings and abstract paintings in the Provincetown tradition to works with more culturally critical content, Four Eleven offers a dynamic gallery program of local, Cape Cod artists.